“The UNIX System: Making Computers More Productive”, from 1982. Brian Kernighan, Dennis Ritchie, and Ken Thompson talk about what UNIX is, how to use it, and show off some live coding too. Thanks to Tony Arcieri for sharing this!
You’re reading Signal v. Noise, a publication about the web by Basecamp since 1999. Happy Wednesday!
on 10 Sep 12Am I the only one surprised that nothing has changed at all? People are STILL trying to solve the same problems.
on 10 Sep 12“C is a very nice, high-level language”
Damn, I’m so young, I cannot even remotely comprehend how C could be nice or high-level ;)
Interesting watch. Makes you appreciate today’s technology a bit more.
on 10 Sep 12Oh God, the colors! The colors!
Funny how they only had monochrome screens, but the world around them is as garishly colored as syntax highlighting :)
Great overview, though. And yes, it’s funny/impressive/scary that it’s relevant to this day.
on 12 Sep 12Good to recollect what led people to design UNIX… which eventually spawned into numerous unix-like systems of today!
Harriet D. Knop
on 13 Sep 12Brand-new Oakleys for 50Percent, 40Percent, or 30Percent the buying price of any nearby mall dealer or perhaps the owned and operated Oakley shop!
on 14 Sep 12Amazing! And totally relevant still today.
on 15 Sep 12It’s amazing to see how much has changed since then, and yet how much is the same. It’s hard to believe that my iPhone is actually running on these same consepts.
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