EPISODE 0004 - SEPT 26, 2017
with Amy Trager, Jeremy Daer, Abigail Hopkins, and Christopher Hopkins
It’s easy to say yes, whether it’s to a customer request or a deadline from your boss. But saying yes too many times can result in an unmanageable workload or distract you from the stuff you really want to be doing. It’s good to practice saying no and setting boundaries. In this episode: A personal...
EPISODE 0003 - SEPT 12, 2017
with David Heinemeier Hansson
Basecamp CTO David Heinemeier Hansson is known for many things, including creating Ruby on Rails and writing business books. He also has a knack for arguing with people on the Internet. This cheerfully profane conversation explores how Twitter is like a virtual pillow to scream into and the role...
EPISODE 0002 - AUG 29, 2017
with Josh Tsui, Chase Clemons, and Sylvia Maldonado
Being tired isn’t a badge of honor. There, we said it. We’ve been saying this for a while now, because our culture loves to glorify toiling long hours for its own sake and we think that leads to subpar work and general misery. In this episode, we talk to a veteran of the video game industry and a...
Running a Calm Company
EPISODE 0001 - AUG 15, 2017
with Jason Fried and Richard Keeso
Welcome to the first episode of REWORK! This podcast is based on Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson’s 2010 best-selling business book, which was itself based on years of blogging. So what better way to kick off this show than talking about byproducts? In this episode, Jason explains how...