EPISODE 0053 - SEPT 24, 2019

Heal the Internet

with David Heinemeier Hansson

In August, Basecamp ended its practice of using pixel trackers in emails. Co-founder and CTO David Heinemeier Hansson shares what prompted that decision, which is part of a larger discussion about how to push back against Big Tech anti-privacy policies and the impact of individual action on big...

EPISODE 0052 - SEPT 17, 2019

Slow Fashion

with David Hieatt

“Dreams shouldn’t be sensible.” In 2011, David and Clare Hieatt launched Hiut Denim in a small Welsh town that had been home to a jeans factory for 40 years. The Hieatts saw an opportunity to restore those lost jobs—and to do it in a way that fit with their ideas about building a sustainable...

Small Business
EPISODE 0051 - SEPT 10, 2019

Farewell, Happy Camper

with Jason Fried and Adam Stoddard

Basecamp has a new website and a new logo. If this is the first you’re hearing about it, it’s because CEO Jason Fried opted out of the big rebranding announcement that many companies undertake. On this episode, Jason and marketing designer Adam Stoddard talk about what prompted the new look and the...

Basecamp Behind the Scenes

The Google Ads Shakedown

with Jason Fried

On Tuesday, Basecamp CEO Jason Fried tweeted about some shady business involving Google Ads and search results. The tweet got a lot of attention, so we brought Jason on the show to talk about what got him so riled up over Google. No punches were pulled in the making of this episode!

Basecamp Behind the Scenes, Big Tech
EPISODE 0050 - SEPT 3, 2019

The Cult of Overwork

with Ty Fujimura

We’re back from summer break! It’s time to get back to work, but it’s important not to overdo it. In this episode, Ty Fujimura, president of web design firm Cantilever, talks about how he escaped the Cult of Overwork; why it’s important to rethink the relationship between hours “worked” and actual...

Running a Calm Company
EPISODE 0049 - AUG 6, 2019

No Half Measures

with Pam Daniels

Pam Daniels had an idea to make an everyday household item more useful and fun. When her first plan to get her product into the world fell through, she found a different path.

Small Business
EPISODE 0048 - JUL 23, 2019

Shape Up Roundtable

with Ryan Singer, Conor Muirhead, and Jeff Hardy

Basecamp’s new book, Shape Up by Ryan Singer, explores the way designers and programmers at the company build and ship software. In this episode, Ryan, designer Conor Muirhead, and programmer Jeff Hardy go deep into Shape Up principles, talking about the parts of the process they find most useful...

Shape Up
EPISODE 0047 - JUL 23, 2019

Shape Up

with Ryan Singer

Basecamp’s head of strategy, Ryan Singer, sits down to discuss his new book, Shape Up: Stop Running in Circles and Ship Work that Matters. The book is a culmination of Ryan’s 15+ years working at Basecamp and explains how small teams of designers and programmers can ship great work in six-week...

Shape Up

Six Hours of Phone Calls

with Jason Fried and Adam Stoddard

In this episode, Basecamp marketing designer Adam Stoddard joins Jason Fried to talk about a marathon session of interviewing Search Engine Optimization consultants. Hear why they squeezed all the interviews into a six-hour block and what it’s like to shop for something you don’t really know...

Basecamp Behind the Scenes
EPISODE 0045 - JUL 2, 2019

The Open Office

with Tommy George and Arnela Hajdarevic

The open office has gone from the dominant workplace layout to cultural pariah, with these environments seeming to produce more interruptions than collaboration. But the open office itself isn’t entirely to blame for the distractions that plague office workers. In this episode, two tech workers...

EPISODE 0044 - JUN 18, 2019

We Love the Subs

with Jonas Downey, Joel Veitch, Ty Harper, Kerry Feuerman, and Mark Lohmann

In 2004, fast food company Quiznos launched a national advertising campaign featuring animated rodent-like creatures screech-singing an ode to the chain’s toasted sub sandwiches. The TV commercials were instantly polarizing and lodged themselves in many viewers’ brains like a recurring fever dream....

Just For Fun

Open Source Beyond the Market

with David Heinemeier Hansson

This is a lightly edited version of a keynote address Basecamp co-founder and CTO David Heinemeier Hansson delivered at RailsConf 2019 about “open source, markets, debts, purpose, and no less than the meaning of life.” David also sits down with Shaun to talk briefly about how he approached this...

DHH and Jason Fried
EPISODE 0043 - JUN 4, 2019

How Buffer Meets Up

with Carolyn Kopprasch

Even remote companies need actual face time every once in a while. That’s why Basecamp holds companywide, weeklong meet-ups in Chicago twice a year. Fellow remote tech company Buffer has 85 employees across the globe that get together once a year for an annual retreat, and they’ve visited countries...

Remote Work

James Glazebrook at Support Driven Expo Europe 2019

with James Glazebrook

In April, Basecamp Support team member James Glazebrook gave a talk at Support Driven Expo Europe about Everyone On Support. It’s an all-hands program where Basecamp employees rotate through a day of working in customer service. James noticed the system—while well-intentioned—wasn’t working...

Customer Support
EPISODE 0042 - MAY 21, 2019

REWORK Mailbag 4

with Jason Fried, David Heinemeier Hansson, and Kristin Aardsma

Basecamp co-founders Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson are back in the studio to answer your questions. This edition of Mailbag includes topics like why big companies don’t use Basecamp; how they managed the transition from a web design agency to a product company; and what their business...


DHH on The Heartbeat Podcast

with David Heinemeier Hansson and Claire Lew

In our last episode, we talked to Claire Lew, the CEO of Know Your Team. She has her own show called The Heartbeat Podcast, where she talks to founders and leaders about management. This is her interview with Basecamp co-founder and CTO David Heinemeier Hansson. To listen to more of The Heartbeat...

EPISODE 0041 - MAY 7, 2019


with Claire Lew

Claire Lew is the CEO of Know Your Team, a company dedicated to solving the problem of bad bosses. The company has its origins as a product developed within Basecamp and today is not just a software tool, but a deep vein of resources for managers of all experience levels. In this episode, Claire...

LAST WEEK - APR 30, 2019


with Jason Fried

We’re introducing a new segment called Last Week with Jason Fried, where Basecamp’s CEO talks about a task or concern that recently fell on his plate. In this inaugural episode, Jason talks about how the end of the company’s lease on its Chicago office leaves him with a big decision on how to design...

Basecamp Behind the Scenes
EPISODE 0040 - APR 23, 2019

Unplugged from the Matrix

with Kenneth Coats

In 2007, Kenneth Coats started a business helping Chicagoans expunge their arrest records so they could improve their job prospects. After a challenge from the Illinois Attorney General shut down that venture, Kenneth reinvented his business with an assist from a local clinic that provides free...

Small Business
CHECK-INS - APR 18, 2019

Job Scam

with Jeremy Daer and Shanae Dykes

We’re introducing a new segment called Check-Ins, where we talk to folks at Basecamp about their answers to recurring questions that get asked of everyone here. Recently, Jeremy Daer on our Security, Infrastructure, and Performance team dealt with an incident where an Internet scammer was...

EPISODE 0039 - APR 9, 2019

Subscription Hostages

with David Heinemeier Hansson, Laura Hazard Owen, Richard Holober, Jim Ewert, Pete Mortensen, and Jen Sabella

Raise your hand if this sounds familiar: You sign up for a service or a product online. When you go to cancel, you discover the only way to stop the subscription is to write an email or—even worse, make an actual phone call. In this episode, we try to get to the bottom of why this consumer trap...

Customer Support

Ruby on Rails

with David Heinemeier Hansson

In 2004, Basecamp CTO David Heinemeier Hansson released a framework called Ruby on Rails that has since been used by over 1.2 million web applications including Twitter, Airbnb, Hulu, and, of course, Basecamp. In this bonus episode of REWORK, David talks about creativity, finding a passion, and how...

DHH and Jason Fried
EPISODE 0037 - MAR 12, 2019

Hiring Is Not Hazing

with Aja Hammerly

Why are manhole covers round? How many golf balls can fit in a 747? Why are job interviews so terrible? In this episode, Aja Hammerly, a developer advocate at Google, talks about the drawbacks of common tech interview techniques like whiteboard coding and trivia questions, and shares her tips for...

Running a Calm Company
EPISODE 0036 - FEB 26, 2019

Remote Work: Extreme Edition

with Kathrin Mallot

We place a long-distance phone call to Antarctica to chat with Kathrin Mallot, an astrophysicist who works at the IceCube Neutrino Observatory in the South Pole. In this episode, Kathrin talks about preparing for a work assignment in a super remote part of the world; practicing self-care during the...

EPISODE 0035 - FEB 12, 2019

No Hard Feelings

with Liz Fosslien and Mollie West Duffy

Liz Fosslien and Mollie West Duffy are the co-authors of No Hard Feelings: The Secret Power of Embracing Emotions At Work. They come on REWORK to talk about how the future of work is emotional; why it’s useful to listen to feelings like envy; and how we can all take small steps toward a healthier...

Running a Calm Company
EPISODE 0034 - JAN 29, 2019


with Jason Fried and Adam Stoddard

The folks at Basecamp have been blogging since 1999, when Jason Fried would write by the light of a fire fueled by David Heinemeier Hansson’s savage indictments of the tech industry. A lot has changed since then (with the exception of DHH’s feelings about Silicon Valley). Basecamp’s blog, Signal v....

Basecamp Behind the Scenes

Spark Joy with DHH

with David Heinemeier Hansson

Basecamp co-founders David Heinemeier Hansson and Jason Fried are fans of Marie Kondo’s 2014 bestseller “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up,” which is back in the cultural zeitgeist thanks to her new Netflix show. In this bonus episode, DHH talks about how he’s applied the KonMari framework to...

Just For Fun

100% Facebook-Free

with David Heinemeier Hansson

After yet another round of revelations about Facebook’s use of customer data, Basecamp has decided to become 100% Facebook-free. We’ve actually been off Facebook proper for a while, but on Wednesday we decided to remove the company from Instagram and WhatsApp as well. This is a conversation with...

Big Tech


with Jeremy Daer

On the last episode of REWORK, we talked about the dangers of using violent language in a business context. We’ve had to grapple with other kinds of problematic language at Basecamp as well. In this mini bonus episode, Shaun talks to programmer Jeremy Daer about shedding harmful terms for database...

EPISODE 0032 - DEC 18, 2018

Happy Pacifists

with David Wood, Joshua Guble, and Elizabeth Gramm

Business rhetoric is rife with the language of war—there’s constant talk of conquering markets and dominating the competition. These tropes indicate a dangerous way of thinking that can have real consequences, intended or not, on human behavior. In this episode, two professors share their research...

Running a Calm Company
EPISODE 0030 - NOV 20, 2018

The Worst Performance Review

with Rachel Ernst and Conor Muirhead

Annual, semi-annual, quarterly, 360…no matter what form they take, performance reviews can be anxiety-inducing workplace rituals. In today’s episode, we talk to the head of HR at an HR software company (meta!) and a Basecamp designer about why helpful feedback is so difficult to give and receive—and...

EPISODE 0029 - NOV 6, 2018

REWORK Mailbag 3

with Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson

It’s time for another episode where Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson answer your questions! In this one, they discuss how to apply calm company principles to client work and classrooms, and talk about healthy ways for business partners to disagree.

EPISODE 0028 - OCT 23, 2018

The Myth of the Overnight Sensation

with Bobby Edwards

Before the viral unicorn poop video, before the appearances on Shark Tank and Dr. Oz and Howard Stern—Bobby Edwards was showing his invention at conventions and sending it to alternative health bloggers in hopes of getting coverage. The invention? Squatty Potty, a plastic stool that puts you in a...

Small Business
EPISODE 0026 - SEPT 25, 2018

Farewell, Noah

with Noah Lorang

A lot of businesses start as side ventures or hobbies that grow into full-time pursuits. The trick is often in knowing when to quit a comfortable day job to start a new business. We sit down with one of our own at this crossroads. Noah Lorang headed Basecamp’s data team for the last eight years, and...

EPISODE 0025 - SEPT 11, 2018

The Bean Machine

with Erika Hildner

taps mic Is this thing on? We’re back from sabbatical! In our first post-hiatus episode, Shaun heads to Denver to visit his sister, who left a catering job at a big restaurant chain to run a coffee shop out of a Volkswagen Bus that she bought on impulse off Craigslist. Erika Hildner shares what...

Small Business
EPISODE 0024 - JUL 24, 2018

Take a Break

with Jason Fried, Adeline Koh, and Rachel Winard

Smell ya later! Shaun and Wailin are taking off the month of August. Before they left, they interviewed three business owners about sabbaticals. In this episode: Adeline Koh of Sabbatical Beauty shares the story of how she ended up starting a business while on leave from a different job; Jason Fried...

Running a Calm Company

Out in the Open

with Sarah Park

In a bonus conversation with Sarah Park of MeetEdgar, she talks about making the company handbook public and why they have a policy of opening up meetings and conversations to everyone.

EPISODE 0023 - JUL 10, 2018

Temperature Check

with Jayne Ogilvie, Sarah Park, Patrick Filler, and Anitra St. Hillaire

One of our colleagues on the Basecamp customer support team, Jayne Ogilvie, wanted to find out how other tech companies with remote staffs handle issues like communication, career development, and hiring. Jayne sent out a survey and got back a wealth of information and ideas about how other teams...

EPISODE 0022 - JUN 26, 2018

Go Behind the Scenes

with Jason Fried, Shannon McCann, Amy Emberling, and Frank Carollo

A famous guy once said, “Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain!” But he was a grifter. In fact, going behind the scenes—whether it’s a factory tour or cooking show—can be a valuable experience for both visitors and guides. In this episode, we crash a middle school field trip to the Method...

Small Business
EPISODE 0021 - JUN 12, 2018

You Need Less Than You Think

with Athina Wang, Florence Shin, Luke Saunders, and Adam Huber

Who needs a fancy office when you can work out of a dingy food court? Who needs fancy equipment when you can buy what you need at Walmart? Who needs to hire an SEO specialist? What does an SEO specialist do, anyway? (A question for another episode, or maybe another podcast altogether.) On this...

Small Business
EPISODE 0020 - MAY 29, 2018

But Wait, There's More

with Peter Bieler, Andrew LaRowe, Carrie Jeske, and Rachel Tipograph

Do you struggle with finding the right podcast? Are you tired of true crime shows and hosts trying to sell you a mattress? Introducing REWORK, a podcast that’s free of both murder and midroll ads. When you listen to this episode of REWORK, you’ll learn the fascinating history of infomercials and...

Just For Fun
EPISODE 0019 - MAY 15, 2018

REWORK Mailbag 2

with Jason Fried, David Heinemeier Hansson, and Alison Green

Basecamp co-founders Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson answer listener questions about workplace communication and remote working. Alison Green of Ask A Manager, whom we featured in our previous episode, gives her advice on a couple of questions too. If you’d like to submit a question for...

EPISODE 0018 - MAY 1, 2018

Ask A Manager

with Alison Green

Wailin interviews Alison Green, the advice columnist whose Ask A Manager column offers friendly and practical guidance for all kinds of workplace dilemmas, from “How do I ask for a raise?” to “How can I get out of eating lunch with coworkers?” Alison talks about memorable letters, her community of...

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