EPISODE 0074 - MAR 3, 2020
with Irin Carmon and Jarred Lustgarten
Jarred Lustgarten left a Wall Street career to start a rug-cleaning business with $600 in borrowed money and a stack of flyers. A decade later, J.L. Carpet & Upholstery is profitable and Jarred has a very visible reminder on his hands of his commitment to his vocation.
Small Business
EPISODE 0073 - FEB 25, 2020
with Jane Yang, Jamis Buck, and Eileen Uchitelle
Basecamp the app is over 15 years old, which means Basecamp the company is responsible for safeguarding more than a decade’s worth of customer data—including 370 terabytes of data stored in non-active accounts. In this episode, Basecamp data analyst Jane Yang talks about a big, ongoing project at...
with David Heinemeier Hansson and Jason Calacanis
Basecamp co-founder and CTO David Heinemeier Hansson sits down with entrepreneur and angel investor Jason Calacanis to debate the gig economy, democratic socialism, and whether the American dream is dead. The conversation in this episode is adapted from a longer interview that can be found in full...
DHH and Jason Fried
EPISODE 0072 - FEB 18, 2020
with Leslie Villasenor Marchel, Laura Barkat, Don Share, Lexi Kent-Monning, Matthew Vincent, and Troy Toman
Some of our most famous poets had day jobs: Robert Burns was a tax collector; William Carlos Williams was a doctor; Audre Lorde was a librarian and professor. Poetry has a lot to say about work and can serve as a meeting place, a provocative memo, or a break from the daily grind. In this episode, we...
Just For Fun
EPISODE 0071 - FEB 11, 2020
with Mert Iseri
Every year for the past decade, Mert Iseri has chosen a new skill to learn. This annual challenge has taken him from a magicians’ club to chess tournaments where he’s competed against eight-year-olds. In this episode, Mert talks about chasing the joy of being challenged just the right amount and...
Just For Fun
EPISODE 0070 - FEB 4, 2020
with Sahil Lavingia
Sahil Lavingia once believed his startup was headed for unicorn status, but his journey through Silicon Valley—the viral launch on Hacker News, $8 million in venture capital, the glowing press—led to a very different outcome. In this episode, Sahil reflects on life outside the literal and figurative...
Running a Calm Company
EPISODE 0069 - JAN 28, 2020
with David Heinemeier Hansson and Jane Yang
Basecamp co-founder and Chief Technology Officer David Heinemeier Hansson has been ranting on Twitter about monopolistic practices in Big Tech for a while, and he recently got an unexpected opportunity to air his grievances about Google, Apple, and Facebook in front of a congressional subcommittee....
Big Tech
EPISODE 0068 - JAN 21, 2020
with Jason Fried
Basecamp CEO Jason Fried is back in the studio with an update on the company’s Chicago headquarters. Basecamp will be leaving its office this summer after a 10-year run, and Jason is looking at a number of options—including a space that will bring him full circle with one of his original 37signals...
Basecamp Behind the Scenes,
Remote Work
EPISODE 0067 - JAN 14, 2020
with Matthew Vincent
Matthew Vincent, a member of Basecamp’s Ops team, spoke at Nomad City 2019 about life as a remote worker. Close your eyes and pretend you’re in the Canary Islands as you listen to this audio version of Matthew’s talk.
Remote Work
EPISODE 0066 - JAN 7, 2020
with Ashley Bowe and Karen Catlin
Welcome back! We’re kicking off the new year with an episode full of practical advice about onboarding new employees. Ashley Bowe from Basecamp’s customer support team talks about how they welcome and train new colleagues, and leadership coach Karen Catlin of Better Allies shares advice and examples...
Customer Support
EPISODE 0065 - DEC 17, 2019
with Gennie Gebhart, Caroline Haskins, Ryan Stanley, Marika Pfefferkorn, and Adam Dodge
In this anxious era of bullying, teen depression, and school shootings, tech companies are selling software to schools and parents that make big promises about keeping kids secure by monitoring what they say and write online. But these apps demand disturbing trade-offs in the name of safety. In this...
EPISODE 0064 - DEC 10, 2019
with Mohammad A. Mahdi, Mohammad M. Mahdi, Anthony Duncan, and Natalie Nagele
Get out your Bunsen burner! It’s time to do some experiments. In this episode, we talk to two businesses that aren’t afraid to try new things. First, the three founders of The Mad Optimist, a soap company in Indiana, talk about letting customers choose what they pay for their products. Then Natalie...
Small Business
EPISODE 0063 - DEC 3, 2019
with David Heinemeier Hansson and Dave Teare
Dave Teare is the co-founder and official “heart and soul” of 1Password, which recently raised $200 million in its first round of venture capital. Basecamp is a longtime happy customer of 1Password and also a longtime critic of venture capital, so the funding announcement led to some back-and-forth...
DHH and Jason Fried
EPISODE 0062 - NOV 26, 2019
with Marty Santalucia
Workplace cultures in politics and tech share many similarities: Overwork is glorified; long hours are the norm; employees are expected to respond to communication instantly, no matter the day or time; and those that opt out are seen as lacking hustle or ceding ground to competitors. Marty...
Running a Calm Company
with Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson
Basecamp has a long history of experimenting with “freemium” models and recently launched its most generous free plan yet: Basecamp Personal. Co-founders Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson talk about the debate and data analysis that went into the launch, what makes this a little scary, and...
Basecamp Behind the Scenes
EPISODE 0061 - NOV 19, 2019
with Blake Stoddard
Basecamp has cut back its reliance on Amazon and Google, but there’s one area where it’s tough to find alternatives to Big Tech: cloud services. Even so, there are ways to cut spending on this $3 million annual expense while keeping the company’s apps running smoothly. In this episode, Blake...
Basecamp Behind the Scenes,
Big Tech
with David Heinemeier Hansson, Ruha Benjamin, and Mara Zepeda
Basecamp co-founder David Heinemeier Hansson sparked a national controversy this week when he posted a series of livid tweets about how his wife received a much lower credit limit than he did on their Apple Cards, despite applying with the same financial information. What began as a rant against...
Greatest Hits
EPISODE 0060 - NOV 12, 2019
with Jason Meller
Between cameras, sensor-equipped ID badges, and keystroke-logging software, employers are keeping an ever-watchful eye on their workers, all in the name of security or increased productivity. Jason Meller has spent his career in computer security and witnessed what can happen when a corporation’s...
EPISODE 0059 - NOV 5, 2019
with Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson
Basecamp co-founders Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson answer listener questions in this short but jam-packed mailbag episode. Among other topics, they discuss whether they prefer reading physical books or the Kindle; talk about providing feedback to rejected job candidates; and imagine a...
EPISODE 0058 - OCT 29, 2019
with Lex Friedman and Justin Jackson
Basecamp has taken a clear stance against tracking on the web, so when we learned that our podcast hosting provider had introduced listener-targeted advertising, we decided to decamp to a different company. On today’s episode, Wailin talks to Lex Friedman, chief revenue officer of REWORK’s old...
Basecamp Behind the Scenes,
EPISODE 0057 - OCT 22, 2019
with Andy Didorosi
Basecamp’s new head of marketing, Andy Didorosi, talks about starting a bus company in his hometown of Detroit to help fill a gap in public transit; what he learned about building a business with a “buy one, give one” social mission; and why he left the company he founded to join Basecamp.
EPISODE 0056 - OCT 15, 2019
with Jason Fried
As part of a mini hiring boom at Basecamp this year, CEO Jason Fried went looking for a position that had never existed before at the company: head of marketing. Over a thousand people applied for the role. In this episode, Jason explains how he narrowed a very competitive pool of candidates to find...
EPISODE 0055 - OCT 8, 2019
with Danny Caine
In the spring of 2019, Danny Caine, the owner of the Raven Book Store in Lawrence, Kansas, overheard a customer saying she could buy a new hardcover online for $15. Danny took to Twitter to explain the economics of independent bookstores and the thread went viral, putting the 32-year-old small...
Big Tech,
Small Business
EPISODE 0054 - OCT 1, 2019
with David Heinemeier Hansson and Matt Mullenweg
Matt Mullenweg, the founding developer of WordPress and the founder of Automattic, joins Basecamp co-founder David Heinemeier Hansson for a spirited debate about tech monopolies, power in open-source communities, and how to be good stewards of the modern web that they helped build.
DHH and Jason Fried
EPISODE 0053 - SEPT 24, 2019
with David Heinemeier Hansson
In August, Basecamp ended its practice of using pixel trackers in emails. Co-founder and CTO David Heinemeier Hansson shares what prompted that decision, which is part of a larger discussion about how to push back against Big Tech anti-privacy policies and the impact of individual action on big...
EPISODE 0052 - SEPT 17, 2019
with David Hieatt
“Dreams shouldn’t be sensible.” In 2011, David and Clare Hieatt launched Hiut Denim in a small Welsh town that had been home to a jeans factory for 40 years. The Hieatts saw an opportunity to restore those lost jobs—and to do it in a way that fit with their ideas about building a sustainable...
Small Business
EPISODE 0051 - SEPT 10, 2019
with Jason Fried and Adam Stoddard
Basecamp has a new website and a new logo. If this is the first you’re hearing about it, it’s because CEO Jason Fried opted out of the big rebranding announcement that many companies undertake. On this episode, Jason and marketing designer Adam Stoddard talk about what prompted the new look and the...
Basecamp Behind the Scenes
with Jason Fried
On Tuesday, Basecamp CEO Jason Fried tweeted about some shady business involving Google Ads and search results. The tweet got a lot of attention, so we brought Jason on the show to talk about what got him so riled up over Google. No punches were pulled in the making of this episode!
Basecamp Behind the Scenes,
Big Tech
EPISODE 0050 - SEPT 3, 2019
with Ty Fujimura
We’re back from summer break! It’s time to get back to work, but it’s important not to overdo it. In this episode, Ty Fujimura, president of web design firm Cantilever, talks about how he escaped the Cult of Overwork; why it’s important to rethink the relationship between hours “worked” and actual...
Running a Calm Company
EPISODE 0049 - AUG 6, 2019
with Pam Daniels
Pam Daniels had an idea to make an everyday household item more useful and fun. When her first plan to get her product into the world fell through, she found a different path.
Small Business
EPISODE 0048 - JUL 23, 2019
with Ryan Singer, Conor Muirhead, and Jeff Hardy
Basecamp’s new book, Shape Up by Ryan Singer, explores the way designers and programmers at the company build and ship software. In this episode, Ryan, designer Conor Muirhead, and programmer Jeff Hardy go deep into Shape Up principles, talking about the parts of the process they find most useful...
Shape Up
EPISODE 0047 - JUL 23, 2019
with Ryan Singer
Basecamp’s head of strategy, Ryan Singer, sits down to discuss his new book, Shape Up: Stop Running in Circles and Ship Work that Matters. The book is a culmination of Ryan’s 15+ years working at Basecamp and explains how small teams of designers and programmers can ship great work in six-week...
Shape Up
EPISODE 0046 - JUL 16, 2019
with Jason Fried, David Heinemeier Hansson, Andrea LaRowe, Kristin Aardsma, and Jeremy Daer
Basecamp is known for hiring infrequently, but it’s in the midst of adding five new employees to its roster—including the company’s first-ever director of marketing. Over 4,000 applications have come in for the open positions. In this episode, we go deep into how we knew it was time to hire, why we...
Basecamp Behind the Scenes,
Running a Calm Company
with Jason Fried and Adam Stoddard
In this episode, Basecamp marketing designer Adam Stoddard joins Jason Fried to talk about a marathon session of interviewing Search Engine Optimization consultants. Hear why they squeezed all the interviews into a six-hour block and what it’s like to shop for something you don’t really know...
Basecamp Behind the Scenes
EPISODE 0045 - JUL 2, 2019
with Tommy George and Arnela Hajdarevic
The open office has gone from the dominant workplace layout to cultural pariah, with these environments seeming to produce more interruptions than collaboration. But the open office itself isn’t entirely to blame for the distractions that plague office workers. In this episode, two tech workers...
with Nikki Sylianteng
A curious snack food aficionado calls the home of Mr. Peanut.
EPISODE 0044 - JUN 18, 2019
with Jonas Downey, Joel Veitch, Ty Harper, Kerry Feuerman, and Mark Lohmann
In 2004, fast food company Quiznos launched a national advertising campaign featuring animated rodent-like creatures screech-singing an ode to the chain’s toasted sub sandwiches. The TV commercials were instantly polarizing and lodged themselves in many viewers’ brains like a recurring fever dream....
Just For Fun
with David Heinemeier Hansson
This is a lightly edited version of a keynote address Basecamp co-founder and CTO David Heinemeier Hansson delivered at RailsConf 2019 about “open source, markets, debts, purpose, and no less than the meaning of life.” David also sits down with Shaun to talk briefly about how he approached this...
DHH and Jason Fried
EPISODE 0043 - JUN 4, 2019
with Carolyn Kopprasch
Even remote companies need actual face time every once in a while. That’s why Basecamp holds companywide, weeklong meet-ups in Chicago twice a year. Fellow remote tech company Buffer has 85 employees across the globe that get together once a year for an annual retreat, and they’ve visited countries...
Remote Work
with James Glazebrook
In April, Basecamp Support team member James Glazebrook gave a talk at Support Driven Expo Europe about Everyone On Support. It’s an all-hands program where Basecamp employees rotate through a day of working in customer service. James noticed the system—while well-intentioned—wasn’t working...
Customer Support
EPISODE 0042 - MAY 21, 2019
with Jason Fried, David Heinemeier Hansson, and Kristin Aardsma
Basecamp co-founders Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson are back in the studio to answer your questions. This edition of Mailbag includes topics like why big companies don’t use Basecamp; how they managed the transition from a web design agency to a product company; and what their business...
with David Heinemeier Hansson and Claire Lew
In our last episode, we talked to Claire Lew, the CEO of Know Your Team. She has her own show called The Heartbeat Podcast, where she talks to founders and leaders about management. This is her interview with Basecamp co-founder and CTO David Heinemeier Hansson. To listen to more of The Heartbeat...
EPISODE 0041 - MAY 7, 2019
with Claire Lew
Claire Lew is the CEO of Know Your Team, a company dedicated to solving the problem of bad bosses. The company has its origins as a product developed within Basecamp and today is not just a software tool, but a deep vein of resources for managers of all experience levels. In this episode, Claire...
LAST WEEK - APR 30, 2019
with Jason Fried
We’re introducing a new segment called Last Week with Jason Fried, where Basecamp’s CEO talks about a task or concern that recently fell on his plate. In this inaugural episode, Jason talks about how the end of the company’s lease on its Chicago office leaves him with a big decision on how to design...
Basecamp Behind the Scenes
EPISODE 0040 - APR 23, 2019
with Kenneth Coats
In 2007, Kenneth Coats started a business helping Chicagoans expunge their arrest records so they could improve their job prospects. After a challenge from the Illinois Attorney General shut down that venture, Kenneth reinvented his business with an assist from a local clinic that provides free...
Small Business
CHECK-INS - APR 18, 2019
with Jeremy Daer and Shanae Dykes
We’re introducing a new segment called Check-Ins, where we talk to folks at Basecamp about their answers to recurring questions that get asked of everyone here. Recently, Jeremy Daer on our Security, Infrastructure, and Performance team dealt with an incident where an Internet scammer was...
EPISODE 0039 - APR 9, 2019
with David Heinemeier Hansson, Laura Hazard Owen, Richard Holober, Jim Ewert, Pete Mortensen, and Jen Sabella
Raise your hand if this sounds familiar: You sign up for a service or a product online. When you go to cancel, you discover the only way to stop the subscription is to write an email or—even worse, make an actual phone call. In this episode, we try to get to the bottom of why this consumer trap...
Customer Support
EPISODE 0038 - MAR 26, 2019
with Jim Mackenzie and Jeremy Daer
“Passwords just aren’t cutting it online. It’s getting worse. We all feel it.” This is what Jeremy from Basecamp’s Security, Infrastructure, and Performance team wrote in a February blog post after dealing with a mass-login attack. Intruders with huge lists of login credentials—obtained in previous...
Basecamp Behind the Scenes,
Running a Calm Company
with David Heinemeier Hansson
In 2004, Basecamp CTO David Heinemeier Hansson released a framework called Ruby on Rails that has since been used by over 1.2 million web applications including Twitter, Airbnb, Hulu, and, of course, Basecamp. In this bonus episode of REWORK, David talks about creativity, finding a passion, and how...
DHH and Jason Fried
EPISODE 0037 - MAR 12, 2019
with Aja Hammerly
Why are manhole covers round? How many golf balls can fit in a 747? Why are job interviews so terrible? In this episode, Aja Hammerly, a developer advocate at Google, talks about the drawbacks of common tech interview techniques like whiteboard coding and trivia questions, and shares her tips for...
Running a Calm Company