EPISODE 0115 - MAR 23, 2021

Truss The Process

with Everett Harper and Jen Leech

In 2016, software infrastructure consulting firm Truss made salaries transparent across the entire company. Salaries were revealed internally for all employees, from the executives on down. In this episode, Truss CEO Everett Harper and COO Jen Leech talk about why and how they approached their...

EPISODE 0114 - MAR 16, 2021

Coops: The Next Generation

with Greg Brodsky and Jessica Mason

Imagine if gig workers like rideshare drivers or grocery shoppers were compensated for their labor through ownership stakes in the Lyfts and Instacarts of the world. Imagine if companies distributed profits not just to founders and investors, but to their employees and customers. Start.coop is an...

EPISODE 0113 - MAR 9, 2021

HEY World

with Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson

Basecamp co-founders Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson talk about HEY World, a new feature of the HEY email service where customers can create a super simple blog. HEY World has no templates, no endless scroll, no ads, no trackers, and no JavaScript. It represents Basecamp’s attempt to create...

EPISODE 0112 - MAR 2, 2021

A Dose of Empathy

with Marcy Capron Vermillion and Maia Reed

Equilibria, a company that makes CBD products for women, has a team of dedicated dosage specialists who do one-on-one consultations with customers. During the pandemic, this team has taken on an unprecedented amount of customer support—bearing witness to the heightened stress and anxiety that their...

Running a Calm Company
EPISODE 0111 - FEB 23, 2021

The Humble Fungus

with Jesse Noller

A career climbing the ladder in tech and software left Jesse Noller feeling disillusioned and isolated. He found connection, community, and purpose in a different kind of complex distributed system—mushrooms. Today he’s the proprietor of a spore-to-table business called The Humble Fungus. (Content...

Small Business
EPISODE 0110 - FEB 16, 2021

Greening Basecamp

with Jane Yang and Elizabeth Gramm

Basecamp recently set out to do a carbon accounting, looking at the company’s emissions, as well as meaningful ways to offset and mitigate those impacts. Jane Yang and Elizabeth Gramm, the two Basecampers who took on this daunting and nuanced project, come on the show to discuss not just the work...

Basecamp Behind the Scenes
EPISODE 0109 - DEC 22, 2020

Send A Little Delight

with Merissa Dawson

Comfort and joy were in short supply this year, but we’re doing our best to end 2020 on a cozy note. Merissa of Basecamp support talks about surprising customers with gifts throughout the year, whether it’s to thank them for their fandom or apologize for a disappointing experience. Then Wailin...

Basecamp Behind the Scenes, Customer Support
EPISODE 0108 - DEC 15, 2020

A Dumpster Fire of a Year

with Andy Didorosi, Adam Stoddard, and Nathan Anderson

HEY launch, App Store, we can’t take it anymore 🎵 Antitrust, masks a must, let’s go eat the upper crust 🎵 Comfy pants, TikTok dance, POTUS rants, protest chants 🎵 COVID cruise can’t disembark, David’s back in Denmark 🎵 We didn’t start the fire—well, in this case we did.

EPISODE 0107 - DEC 8, 2020

HEY for Work

with Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson

Basecamp is winding down a busy year with one more thing: the rollout of its HEY email service for the workplace. Co-founders Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson talk about privacy, marketing, onboarding, and the other considerations that went into making HEY for Work. They also reflect on the...

EPISODE 0106 - DEC 1, 2020

Support and Console-ation

with Jim Mackenzie, Jamis Buck, Tony Giang, Sylvia Chong, Jabari Allen, and Willow Moline

In the last several years, a group of Basecamp customer support representatives has developed an expertise around “on-call support,” or tackling some of the thornier technical issues that require diving into the code base of our applications. This team of self-taught specialists grew out of...

Basecamp Behind the Scenes, Customer Support
EPISODE 0105 - NOV 24, 2020

Shape Up with Clients

with David Nichols

Since releasing Shape Up, the book by Basecamp’s Ryan Singer about our approach to product development, we’ve heard from other companies who’ve also adopted this methodology. David Nichols is the co-founder and CEO of Loupe, a company that helps design machines for clients in sectors from aerospace...

Shape Up
EPISODE 0104 - NOV 17, 2020

Shape Up: The Print Edition

with Ryan Singer

In 2019, Basecamp released Shape Up, a digital book by head of product strategy Ryan Singer about our approach to product development. Since then, Ryan has added sections in response to reader feedback and released a print edition. Ryan comes back on REWORK to talk about connecting with other...

Shape Up
EPISODE 0103 - NOV 10, 2020

Take Some Time Off (We Mean It!)

with Dan Jimenez

Unlimited paid time off is a common perk in the tech industry, but as one company discovered, an open-ended vacation policy led to confusion and even burnout. Dan Jimenez of Chatbooks comes on REWORK to talk about how they shifted from unlimited to mandatory PTO, and how they’re recalibrating...

Running a Calm Company
EPISODE 0102 - NOV 3, 2020

Create Your Own Serendipity

with Deldelp Medina and Michael Berhane

More than ever, the tech industry is re-thinking how work gets done and how great ideas come to light when people are no longer linked by their physical location. In this episode, we have frank but hopeful conversations with Deldelp Medina of Black & Brown Founders and Michael Berhane of People...


Better Product with Adam Stoddard

with Adam Stoddard, Christian Beck, and Anna Eaglin

Better Product is a podcast by Innovatemap, a digital product agency. We are playing their episode featuring Basecamp’s marketing designer, Adam Stoddard, who joins them to talk about Basecamp’s design philosophy and the thought process behind the look of HEY.com.

EPISODE 0101 - OCT 20, 2020

Babies at Work

with Leah Silber and Emily Hall Warren

We talk to two very different small businesses about their Babies at Work programs, where new parents can have their infants with them at the office. With COVID sending so many office workers home—and pushing women out of the workforce altogether—acknowledging employees’ whole selves is more...

Small Business
EPISODE 0100 - OCT 13, 2020

Privacy Scavenger Hunt

with Mark Asquith, Hana Habib, Kaitlin Maud, and Ryan Jones

Imagine a corporate privacy policy on a website that was actually comprehensible and written by and for human beings. We talk to companies who have done just this, and what it means to build a business that has respect for privacy baked in from the outset. We also talk to a researcher who’s...


Return to Mojito Island

with Jason Fried

We do a quick check-in with Basecamp CEO Jason Fried about what he’s been up to since launching HEY in June. He talks about running the company as the pandemic stretches on, the importance of not making promises, and learning to swim.

DHH and Jason Fried
EPISODE 0099 - OCT 6,2020

Greetings from Mojito Island

with David Heinemeier Hansson

Basecamp co-founder and CTO David Heinemeier Hansson has been on a not-totally-intended sabbatical from both work and Twitter, and on an entirely intended break from living in the U.S. He checks in from Europe to talk about how he’s managing his time off as the boss, and what developments back at...

DHH and Jason Fried
EPISODE 0098 - SEPT 29, 2020

Selling Burnout with Anne Helen Petersen

with Anne Helen Petersen

Culture writer Anne Helen Petersen, author of the new book Can’t Even: How Millennials Became the Burnout Generation, comes on the show to talk about how the real estate agents of the reality show Selling Sunset embody toxic ideas around work, passion, and career success. Along the way, Anne and...

Just For Fun
EPISODE 0097 - SEPT 22, 2020

Something's Broken

with Jeremy Daer and Troy Toman

Basecamp recently suffered three outages in a week. Programming lead Jeremy Daer and director of operations Troy Toman come on the show to discuss their approach to customer communication around these kinds of incidents. They talk about public accountability, mental health, and why the human side of...

Basecamp Behind the Scenes, Running a Calm Company
EPISODE 0096 - SEPT 15, 2020

Farewell, West Loop

with Jim Graziano and Jeremy Jones

Basecamp has closed its physical office after a 10-year run in Chicago’s West Loop area. In this episode, we say good-bye to the neighborhood and two of its businesses. J.P. Graziano and un-cooked are small, family-owned restaurants on either side of the longevity spectrum: Jim Graziano is the...

Small Business
EPISODE 0095 - SEPT 8, 2020

Exit to Community

with Mara Zepeda and Nathan Schneider

A group of startup founders, investors, and thinkers are reimagining corporate ownership to take into account all of the people who help build the business—not just executives and investors, but customers, users, and suppliers. Their vision for Exit to Community is outlined in this zine, and two of...

EPISODE 0094 - SEPT 1, 2020

Apps Without Code

with Tara Reed

We’re back from our August hiatus! To kick things off, we have a conversation with Tara Reed, the CEO of Apps Without Code. She started an online art advising business without knowing how to code, and that early success led to an entire company and educational program that teaches others how to do...


The Email That Changed My Life

with Jason Fried, David Heinemeier Hansson, Saya Hillman, Rick Cosgrove, Julie Wernau, Mike McGee, and others

Basecamp probably wouldn’t exist today if not for an email that David Heinemeier Hansson sent Jason Fried in 2001. That correspondence was the beginning of a partnership that produced Basecamp, several books, and most recently HEY, the company’s new email service. This episode is our love letter to...

EPISODE 0092 - JUL 21, 2020

Q and HEY, Part 2

with Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson

Basecamp co-founders Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson held a recent livestream session where they answered questions about HEY, the company’s new email service. You can listen to Part 1 or watch the entire livestream on YouTube.

EPISODE 0091 - JUL 14, 2020

Q and HEY, Part 1

with Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson

Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson held a livestream session where they answered audience questions about HEY, Basecamp’s new email service. In Part One, they discuss feature requests, customer support, and plans for hiring. The full Q&A can be viewed on YouTube.

EPISODE 0090 - JUL 7, 2020

Manos: The Hands of HEY

with Adam Stoddard

Basecamp’s marketing designer, Adam Stoddard, talks about how HEY’s visual brand came to be. He discusses influences from Pixar to Charles and Ray Eames to The Raveonettes, and reflects on what it’s like to work as a department of one on such an all-encompassing project.

EPISODE 0089 - JUN 30, 2020

An Email Account is Born

with Merissa Dawson

To show off the features of HEY, Basecamp’s new email service, we needed a fully featured and realistic demo account. That meant writing dozens of fictional emails—a task that fell to Merissa of Basecamp’s customer support team. She comes on REWORK to talk about her epistolary opus.

EPISODE 0088 - JUN 23, 2020

Designing Hey

with Jonas Downey

Basecamp design lead Jonas Downey was one of the first people to experiment with what would eventually become Hey, Basecamp’s newly launched email service. Jonas comes on REWORK to talk about building software for humans, preserving a sense of fun weirdness as a new product evolves, and managing a...

EPISODE 0087 - JUN 16, 2020

HEY, What's Going On?

with Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson

Basecamp has launched HEY, a new email platform with a strong point of view. It’s also one of the stupidest things Basecamp has ever attempted. Co-founders Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson talk about the philosophy around time, attention, and privacy that forms the backbone of HEY, why Inbox...

EPISODE 0086 - JUN 9, 2020

The Spy Who Emailed Me

with Andy Didorosi, Adam Stoddard, Nabiha Syed, and Martijn de Kuijper

On June 15, Basecamp launches a new email service called Hey. One of its features is that it blocks tracking pixels that report back to the sender when and how you read an email. In this episode, Basecamp’s marketing team talks about their difficult search for an email newsletter provider that...

EPISODE 0085 - jun 2, 2020

The Bookshop Around the Corner

with Andy Hunter

Andy Hunter launched Bookshop.org in January as a platform to help independent bookstores take and fulfill online orders. Shortly afterward, the pandemic forced small businesses to close their physical doors and Bookshop.org found itself trying to manage three years of growth in three months. Andy...

Big Tech, Small Business
EPISODE 0084 - MAY 26, 2020

Help Wanted

with Natalie Nagele, Akshaya Dinesh, and Andrew Tan

The pandemic has caused enormous job losses and forced many companies to rethink the nature of work. In this episode, two Stanford students talk about the online resource they built to help fellow students whose summer internships were canceled, and Wildbit CEO Natalie Nagele returns to REWORK to...

EPISODE 0083 - MAY 19, 2020

Winston Sat At His Computer

with David Heinemeier Hansson

A growing number of companies have turned to employee surveillance software to monitor their newly remote workforce. Basecamp, which has taken a hardline stance against surveillance of all kinds, decided to ban makers of this “tattleware” from integrating with our products. Basecamp CTO David...

EPISODE 0082 - MAY 12, 2020

Bubble Wrap & Prayers

with Selene Idell, Annie Scholl, and Megan George Cain

The government may not consider comic book shops, indoor plant stores, and small boutiques “essential,” but these businesses are vital to the unique fabric of their neighborhoods and downtowns. Without foot traffic, they’re finding new ways to connect with customers and stay afloat, all while...

Small Business

Living on Hope

with Esther Lee

We call up our friend and former colleague Esther Lee, who lives with her husband on a 35-foot sailboat named Hope in Jacksonville, Florida. Esther, an “idealist in hiding,” talks about how living smaller gives her more space to turn outward and care for others, especially now.

EPISODE 0081 - MAY 5, 2020

Kids Incorporated

with Nancy Mork, Shannon Merenstein, and Omowalle Casselle

Endless Zoom meetings, being cut off from friends, the widespread cancellation of summer fun, ricocheting between boredom and anxiety—kids have it pretty rough! And it’s no picnic for their parents, either. In this episode, businesses built on offering in-person enrichment for children talk about...

Small Business


with Nathan Anderson and Joan Stewart

Basecampers Nathan Anderson and Joan Stewart talk about their love of baking bread and how to get started if you’re a newbie. As Joan says, you just have to believe.

Just For Fun
EPISODE 0080 - APR 28, 2020

Product Strategy Q&A with Jason Fried and Ryan Singer

with Jason Fried and Ryan Singer

CEO Jason Fried and Head of Strategy Ryan Singer talk about the Shape Up approach to product development that we use at Basecamp. They discuss organizing work in six-week cycles, how to handle disagreement, and how so much of the process boils down to making trade-offs. You can also watch the full...

Shape Up
EPISODE 0079 - APR 21, 2020

The Soul of an Entrepreneur

with David Sax

David Sax is the author of the new book The Soul of an Entrepreneur: Work and Life Beyond the Startup Myth. He comes on the show to debunk the Silicon Valley narrative that only a rarefied subset of people can succeed as founders, and shares examples from his book of business owners whose complex...

Small Business

Going Remote: Customer Support

with Merissa Dawson and Chase Clemons

Going Remote is a series of bonus episodes where different Basecampers answer questions about how they do their work remotely. In this episode, Merissa Dawson and Chase Clemons answer questions about providing customer support, including how they talk to angry customers and how they onboard new team...

EPISODE 0078 - APR 14, 2020

Work Out From Home

with Aya Cook, Deborah Hirsch, and Chris Patton

Fitness studios, like many other businesses, had to scramble to change over from in-person to virtual operations almost overnight. In this episode, three business owners in the fitness and wellness industry share their stories of how they’ve pivoted and how they’re continuing to look after their...

Small Business

Going Remote: Design

with Jonas Downey

We’re starting a new series of bonus episodes called Going Remote. We’ll have different Basecampers answer questions about how they do their work remotely. In this first episode, design lead Jonas Downey talks about how he and his team collaborate with each other, give feedback, and communicate with...

Remote Work
EPISODE 0077 - APR 7, 2020

Phone a Friend

with Wess Daniels

We’re back from hiatus! In this episode, we sit down with Quaker theologian and small business owner Wess Daniels, the author of the book Resisting Empire: The Book of Revelation as Resistance. He talks about the value of silence; reshaping systems of money and power; and building community during a...

Greatest Hits

Remote Work Q&A, Part 2

with Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson

This is the second part of a two-hour live Q&A on remote work that Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson held last week. Part 2 covers questions about interruptions, mental health, hardware and software tools, and building culture as a remote company. You can find Part 1 on our feed in your...

Remote Work

Remote Work Q&A, Part 1

with Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson

Earlier this week, Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson held a live Q&A about remote work. We’re splitting the session into two episodes. Part 1 covers questions about video calls, brainstorming, setting priorities, and good management during a time of stressful transition. If you’d like to...

Remote Work
EPISODE 0076 - MAR 17, 2020

The (Social) Distance

with Jason Fried

Basecamp is a remote company, so we’re less disrupted by the current pandemic than many other businesses, but we’re still taking steps to keep folks safe. Jason Fried talks about canceling the company’s April meetup and closing the Chicago office. REWORK will be taking a few weeks off so we can get...

Basecamp Behind the Scenes, Remote Work

This is an episode title

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